These kids go day by day,
Some have no time to play,
With not even a home to stay.
Silently you can hear them prey.
Close your eye's and hear them say.
"Please, for us make a better way"
Find it in your heart to donate today!
Thank you for considering a contribution to Heart 2 Hands. Your gift helps advance our mission to end family homelessness, Child neglect and abuse also into helping these children in finding there 'Voice'.
Your donation to Hearts 2 Hands will not only be put towards their further learning, but will also directly aid homeless and low-income children/teen's and families on their journey toward renewed hope and stability.
At Heart 2 Hands, we believe that everyone deserves a place to call home.
Also office supplies are in great need such as but not only, paper, pens/ pencils, markers, crayons, ect.
Your contribution of any size is enough to help make a difference!
Pick your own amount
Heart 2 Hands is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.